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Hello there! We're Hannah, Natalia and Laurine. We're three sixteen years old Belgian girls, with a passion for food and writing.
Those two combined became Appetizing Adventures! Enjoy!

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World Wide Food

Food is transported all over the world. The fruit you ate in the morning probably was shipped over 2 or 3 weeks ago, just so you could eat it. Haven't youever thought about all the consequences this has for our world.

Almost all the food in stores is shipped over from another country. This food made a long trip to lie on your plate. First, the food is made ready in fabrics, there they package these so they are longer lasting. They also treat the food so they have a further expiration date. Then, the food will go by ship to another continent. From there truck-compagnies and trains are used to be sure every supermarket has enough storage. So you can be sure your favorite food will be there all year around.

Shipping food can cost quite a bit. Food has moved around the world since Europeans brought tea from China, but never was it possible to ship food as fast as they can today. Not only rich countries want food from all around the world, but also the request in more poor countries has increased in the last couple of years. When we crave something we expect to find it immediately in our fridge. That's why the worldwide shipping of food has increased over the last years

Efficient global transport networks make it practical to bring food from distant places before it spoils. The paces the bring all these kinds of food from, are mostly places labor cost really low. but shipping all this delicious food comes at a cost, it results in more global warming ant is really bad for the environment. The use of all the shipping methods, like planes, trains and trucks, results in carbon dioxide evaporating in the air. So our world gets more problems and increases global warming gas.

End of story, we can't live without shipping food, it's a part of our economy. However we can try to eat more native food, whereby we help the cause of global warming and can still enjoy our food at the same time.



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